Company Profiles of Major Chinese Agrochemical Manufacturers

Publish time: 30th March, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      (2011-3-29)When you plan to purchase pesticides in the market with so many suppliers, how will you judge a supplier and their products? When you plan to buy stocks, how could you decide which one is better and how do you make the investment analysis? When you do industry research on pesticides or when you intend to know your competitors, where do you get the comprehensive intelligence? There comes the collection of the agrochemical manufacturers' archives inApril2011.




      Based on the analysis of statistics from statistical bureau, Custom, stock exchange and first-hand information from our team's direct visit to targeted companies, CCM is going to take its survey on Chinese major pesticide manufactures-Company Profiles of Thirty Major Chinese Agrochemical Manufacturers to be offered in the coming April. This report presents those major agrochemical manufacturers from aspects of company basic information, products & investment, marketing, sales and commercial activities and also summarize the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) analysis of these companies.




      The readers can understand background information of these companies, their undergoing projects and their future development trend and also find out precious potential customers and suppliers since the survey provides an overall information of those companies related to the following aspects:


      -Basic information including introduction of its history and current situation


      -Overall business performance like assets and stock, commercial activities


      -Major products and production capacity


      -Marketing strategies and sales pattern


      -SWOT Analysis


      -Future development trend and expansion plan in 2011~2013




      Partial targeted companies are in the list:




              Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.


              Zhejiang Wynca Chemical Group Co., Ltd.


              Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemical Co., Ltd.








              Nanjing Redsun Co., Ltd.


              Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


              Anhui Huaxing Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.


              Jiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co., Ltd.


              Sichuan Lier Chemical Co., Ltd.


              Jiangsu Kwin Group Co., Ltd.


              Lianhe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.


              Jiangsu Tianrong Group Co., Ltd.


              Jiangsu Changlong Chemical Co., Ltd.


              Zhejiang Qianjiang Biochemical Co., Ltd.


              Jiangsu Fengshan Group Co., Ltd.




      Note: All names are arranged in random order.



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